What Disney Characters Will Never Say

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Post by Dottie »

Sebastian: "Up on the shore, up on the shore...."

Jack Sparrow:
(1) "Oh no, just Jack, or Mr. Sparrow, you don't have to add the Captain."
(2) "No more rum, please, I can't stand that stuff. Go and burn it!"
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Post by Zoltack »

Bernard: Miss Bianca for now on can we not take the train.

Bambi: I'm awfully hungry mother.
Bambi's Mother: Bambi, shut up!
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Post by Prudence »

Snow White: "Thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria are quite salubrious to consume."
Grumpy: "Listen to the girl! She's a female, and all females are right!"
That's hot.
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Post by Escapay »

Not by me, this is a 1992 short play that someone wrote (and I'm sure was mentioned on the forum before...)

(Transcript of the Disney Heroine Round Table, 1992 Edition, held in King Stefan's Banquet Hall at Walt Disney World on Dec. 1, 1992, Snow White moderating.)

Snow: Well, this is all tremendously exciting. Every decade or so, the nice folks at Disney sponsor a get-together with all the lead actresses of recent animated features. This gives us a chance to chat, exchange tips on how to clean house ...

Jasmine: Allah, give me strength.

Snow: ... and, over all, just get to know each other as girls.

Belle: Women.

Snow: Since I was the first full-length Disney heroine, they generally ask me to moderate. And I'd like to welcome this year's guests - Princess Jasmine from Aladdin ...

Jasmine: Is this going to take long?

Snow: Belle from Beauty and the Beast - and congratulations again on that Best Picture nomination.

Belle: Thank you. We were robbed. Losing to a cannibal - now, what does that say about society and its priorities? In the words of Sartre ...

Snow: And, of course, Ariel from The Little Mermaid.

Ariel: It's exciting to meet you, Snow.

Snow: Thank you. Uhm, you're dripping on my clean floor.

Ariel: Oh. Sorry.

Snow: We were also going to be joined by Olivia Flaversham, the plucky little heroine from The Great Mouse Detective. But we had a bit of a mishap, because someone on the panel couldn't control her rather large kitty cat.

Jasmine: Look, I already said I was sorry. I'm no happier about it than anybody else. If the damned invitation had said there were going to be mice running around, I wouldn't have brought Rajah along in the first place. OK? Let's move on.

Snow: I must say, before we start, that I admit my breath is a bit taken away by the changes in clothing styles for Disney heroines. With your little harem outfit, Jasmine, and you, Ariel, with your - shells - and both of you with all that skin hanging out: It seems a trifle - what's the word?

Belle: Sluttish?

Ariel: Oh, well, thanks a lot! Big talk from someone whose idea of a good time is sitting around in an apron talking to sheep.

Belle: You talk to fish.

Ariel: But they talk back.

Snow: Actually, I was going to say "daring" rather than "sluttish." But this really brings us to our first point of discussion: Namely, what do you think our role in movies today should be?

Jasmine: I'll tell you what it shouldn't be. It shouldn't be sitting around waiting for someone to "take you away from it all." I mean, come on. Could you see me singing, "Someday my prince will come"? Ack ack ack.

Snow: You don't have to stick your finger down your throat and gag, Jasmine. It happens to be a lovely song.

Ariel: Jasmine's right. Life isn't something that happens to you. Life is what you make happen. You have to take control. That's what I did.

Jasmine: Me, too.

Belle: So did I.

Jasmine: Oh, sure. Right.

Belle: I did! Really!

Ariel: Sure you did. First you walked around town, looking down your nose and talking about how provincial all these hard-working villagers are and how there has to be more to life than that. If Cruella De Vil had sung the exact same thing, people would have said it was the most arrogant song ever written.

Belle: But ...

Jasmine: And, while you said you want more out of life, you didn't do anything to get it.

Belle: Yes, I did! I gave up my liberty, sacrificing for my father! I promised I'd stay a prisoner in the Beast's castle, forever!

Ariel: Uh huh. And how long was it before you went running out the front door saying, "Promise or no promise, I can't stay here another minute"? A week? A month? A year?

Belle: Uhm ... well, actually ... about three, four hours, maybe. But there are such things as promises made under duress, and they're not always binding. Perhaps it's Machiavellian, but even so -

Jasmine: Well there's a woman of her word. Some heroine.

Snow: Ladies, I think we're getting off the topic.

Jasmine: Me, I defied my father. I had the guts to go against what he said and run off.

Ariel: Your father. Heh.

Jasmine: What's that supposed to mean?

Ariel: The two of you with your fathers. You defied yours, she sacrificed for hers. And you've both got these roly-poly, cute, comedy-relief fathers. Me, I've got the King of the Sea for mine. He throws around energy bolts and can bench press a whale. I'm the only one with real guts here.

Belle: More guts than brains, that's for sure. Cutting deals with the Sea Witch. There was a smooth move. Obviously, if you'd ever read anything by Marlowe, you'd've realized the folly of that.

Snow: Belle, who are all these people you're talking about?

Belle: Authors. Playwrights. Philosophers. Crack open a book, why don't you? You, too, Miss Turkish Trunks. And you too, Fishy.

Ariel: I read books. Human books.

Belle: Oh, right. You can't remember tough words like "feet" and you don't know why fire burns. How'd they miss having you on Jeopardy, I wonder. Oh, and here's a news flash for you: It's a fork, OK? A fork. You eat food with a fork. You don't comb your hair with it. If you combed your hair with it, it would be called a comb, not a fork. All right, Einstein?

Jasmine: Some of us have royal duties to attend to and don't have a lot of time for books.

Belle: That is so typical. You three are just typical elitist examples of the societal class structure. All of you, born to royalty. Bored children of privilege.

Snow: But you're royalty, too! At the end of the movie, you married ... uh ... what was his real name?

Belle: I ... don't know. Besides, I was talking about being born to entitlement. You lived your lives in castles, children of kings and queens - or at least kings, since there never seem to be any queens in Disney films. So you endured a couple of days of hardship, dabbling in the sort of life that I lived every single day, before you settled down with your prince. It's disgusting. Particularly you, Ariel, who totally subverted everything she was in order to be part of her man's world.

Ariel: Oh, yeah? You looked pretty comfortable strutting around in that big yellow gown at the end. I didn't see you fighting to remain a peasant.

Belle: That's all the underprivileged masses are to you, aren't they? Peasants? The Proletariat. In the words of Karl Marx -

Ariel: Oh, Lord, here she goes again.

Snow: Actually, this presents us with a topic that might not cause such bickering: Namely, what do you look for in a prince?

Ariel: Well, for me, it was love at first sight. I watched him dancing, and talking, and ... I just knew.

Jasmine: "I just knew. I just knew." A guy flashes a smile and a royal title at you, and you get mushy. Love at first sight is a convenient excuse not to think.

Snow: Some of us, Jasmine, are fortunate enough to meet our prince and be drawn to him immediately. Others of us turn princes into kitty treats for our tigers.

Jasmine: Some of us, Snow, prefer thinking. Ariel, your prince was heroic enough, but about as thick as a brick.

Ariel: Why, you ...

Jasmine: And you, Snow: You never so much as spoke to the guy. How could you possibly have known he was the man for you? What about him could possibly have drawn you to him?

Snow: If you want to know why I love him so, it's in his kiss.

Jasmine: That's where it is?

Belle: You're really pathetic, Snow, you know that? Not that I can stand Ariel or Jasmine, but Eric defeated Ursula, and Ariel went off with him. Aladdin defeated Jafar, and Jasmine married Aladdin. But the dwarves ...

Snow: Dwarfs.

Belle: Whatever. ... risked their lives for you - they adored you - and then some jerk prince comes along, gives you three seconds of liplock, and you abandon the dwarves ...

Snow: Dwarfs.

Belle: Whatever! ... and go riding off with him. What an ingrate.

Snow: Sniff.

Ariel: Oh, great. Now you made her cry.

Jasmine: She's a big girl. She can take it.

Ariel: That's about the kind of empathy I'd expect from someone who walks around in her pajamas all day.

Jasmine: Fish Face.

Ariel: Baklava Breath.

Belle: Ah, the upper class, displaying their typical -

Ariel and Jasmine: Shut up!

(A young blonde girl enters.)

Eilonwy: Excuse me? Am I too late for the meeting?

Snow: Who (sniffle) who are you?

Eilonwy: I'm Eilonwy. I'm a princess.

Belle: Oh, terrific. Another example of the -

Jasmine: I'm warning you, Belle: Rajah's still hungry.

Snow: I'm sorry, dear. You're who?

Eilonwy: Princess Eilonwy.

Snow: Well ... I don't know who sent you here, but this is for Disney heroines.

Eilonwy: But I am a Disney heroine. I was in The Black Cauldron.

(Blank stares from everyone.)

Ariel: The what?

Eilonwy: Based on The Chronicles of Prydain books ...

Snow: Books? Belle, I hate to ask ...

Belle: Oh, right, now they come groveling.

Jasmine: Rajah! Time for din -

Belle: OK, OK. It was a fantasy series by Lloyd Alexander.

Eilonwy: Right! And I was in the movie!

Jasmine: What movie?

Eilonwy: Oh, come on, didn't anyone see it? 1985? 80 minutes long? Supposed to usher in a new era of Disney animation?

Ariel: Actually, my film did that.

Jasmine: Oh, aren't we full of ourselves.

Eilonwy: Sword-and-sorcery epic? There was me and Taran the assistant pig-keeper, and Fflewddur Fflam ...

Jasmine: You must be joking.

Snow: No, wait! I remember now. I got a ticket for an advance screening. But I was busy that night, so I sent Happy instead.

Eilonwy: What did he think?

Snow: He hated it. I've never seen Happy complain that much - or at all. But he just kept talking about how awful it was. Grumpy finally had to slap him.

Eilonwy: That's not fair! We were groundbreaking!

Belle: Poor spoiled princess, just like all the others. Boo-hoo.

Jasmine: That's it. Rajah!

Rajah: Rawwrrrrr!!

Belle: Eeeeeekk!!

(Sebastian walks in.)

Sebastian: Ariel, da king wants to know how long - eeepp!

Rajah: Raarrrr!

Belle: Let me out! Let me out!

Sebastian: Ohhh, mon!

Ariel: Put him down! I mean it!

Jasmine: Pajamas, huh?

Snow: You know, these discussion groups used to be fun. Me and Cindy, we'd sit and chat for hours. Sure, Aurora would keep dozing off ...

Belle: Shut up! Knock off that high-pitched little-girl voice! It's making me nuts! And get me the hell out of here!

Snow: Well, I hope you'll all join us for our next discussion group -

Sebastian: Arrrieellll!

Rajah: *Chomp* *Chomp*

Ariel: Jasmine! Make him spit him out! Right now!

Snow: It's going to be called, "Life's a Bitch, and So Am I." Participants will be Lady from Lady and the Tramp, Perdita from 101 Dalmatians, and Georgette from Oliver and Company. I'm sure the fur will really fly. Thanks for coming. Hi ho, hi ho.

Rajah: *Urrrp*.

WIST #60:
AwallaceUNC: Would you prefer Substi-Blu-tiary Locomotion? :p

WIST #61:
TheSequelOfDisney: Damn, did Lin-Manuel Miranda go and murder all your families?
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Post by Prudence »

I've read that before. Does anyone remember the one with Cinderella and Mulan?
That's hot.
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Post by Simba3 »

Tinker Bell: Wow Peter Pan, Wendy sure seems like a nice girl. I really like her.
(not that Tinkerbell would really say anything at all)
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Post by xxhplinkxx »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That Princess bit was great.

"Hip hop frightens you, doesn't it....Hmmm...Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate. Hate leads to endlessly posting threads about stupid white people. Hmmmmm....."

I love Siren!
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Post by Miss Jo »

Belle: God, I hate hairy men.
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Post by Lazario »

Zoltack wrote:Bambi: I'm awfully hungry mother.
Bambi's Mother: Bambi, shut up!
I like that one. Here's a slightly different one:

Bambi: I'm awfully hungry mother.
Bambi's Mother: Shut up, you little bastard! You were adopted! You don't need to eat, you mutant!

101 Dalmatians (1961):
TV Program: "Kokaine Junkies can't be beat
They make each meal a special treat
Happy dogs are those who eat
Nutritious Kokaine Junkies
Kokaine Junkies all contain
Selected meat and wholesome grain
Toy Chihuahua or Great Dane
All love Kokaine Junkies
So, do what all the smart dogs do
And you'll feel great the whole day through
You can be a champion too
If you eat Kokaine Junkies!"
4 Disney Atmosphere Images
Ting Ting
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Post by Ting Ting »

LMAO! :lol:

The princess bit made my night!

Ariel: I'll lift up my shells for some beads!
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Post by Dottie »

Belle: Oh, right. You can't remember tough words like "feet" and you don't know why fire burns. How'd they miss having you on Jeopardy, I wonder. Oh, and here's a news flash for you: It's a fork, OK? A fork. You eat food with a fork. You don't comb your hair with it. If you combed your hair with it, it would be called a comb, not a fork. All right, Einstein?
That's my favorite part of the princess bit. I had read it before, but it's still hilarious.
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Post by Big Disney Fan »

You know, these could almost be like movie outtakes! Anyway, here's another:

STROMBOLI: Of course you can go home, Pinocchio. I'll never forget you.
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Post by Aladdin from Agrabah »

Aladdin: Abu! Put that loaf of bread down immediately!
Pocahontas: Talking to a tree? It's official; I've lost my mind!
Gaston: I have to admitt it; I'm gay!
Cinderella: Glass slippers? You must be joking! How am I going to walk on these things?
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Post by Big Disney Fan »

Escapay wrote:Not by me, this is a 1992 short play that someone wrote (and I'm sure was mentioned on the forum before...)
I found a sequel of sorts to that play, too. And it goes a little something a-like-a-this-a...

(Transcript of the Disney Heroine Round Table, 1998 Edition, held at Cinderella's Royal Table at Walt Disney World on Dec. 1, 1998, Cinderella moderating.)

CINDERELLA: Good evening, ladies, and welcome to the Disney Heroine Round Table. This event was formerly held only once every decade, but Mr. Eisner has decided that it should become an annual event. Our last --

(Chirrup! Chirrup!)

CINDERELLA: What was that?

MULAN: Um....I didn't hear anything.

CINDERELLA: I must be dreaming. Where was I? Oh yes. Our last Round Table was held in 1992, and Snow White was moderator. Sadly, she is unable to moderate this year, due to (ahem!) a prior commitment --

MEG: Oh, come on, Slipper Girl, don't beat around the bush. We all know about the voice lessons.

CINDERELLA: Oh dear. You do? (sigh) Yes, I'm afraid you're right. Poor Snow could no longer speak in public without becoming the subject of ridicule. Her voice was working against her. She's currently attending the Suzanne Pleshette School for Husky Speaking.

ESMERALDA: And a fine school it is! That's my alma mater, you know.

MULAN: Oh, great! Why didn't somebody tell me about this place sooner? I'm the one who really needed to have a husky voice.

CINDERELLA: That's all right, dear, you're so flat-chested that nobody even suspected you were a girl.

MULAN: I beg your pardon! Just because I'm not a Barbie doll --

ESMERALDA: Hey! Enough already. We don't need to turn this into a battle over bra size.

POCAHONTAS: What is...... "bra"?

MEG: Trust me, Nature Girl, you're better off not knowing. Those puppies of yours give you power!

MULAN: Oh, please! I singlehandedly defeated the Huns and saved China, and I did it without flaunting my "charms" all over the screen.

MEG: Don't get your panties in a wad, Soldier Girl.

POCAHONTAS: What is..... "panties"?

CINDERELLA: Oh my. Perhaps we'd better change the subj -- Eeek! What is that crawling on the table?!

ESMERALDA: It's an ant. Gee whiz, Cindy, don't you ever clean this place? You've got little mice running around in shirts and dresses, and now bugs! Paris during the plague was cleaner than this joint.

MULAN: Bugs make nice pets.

MEG: Gross. I'll whack it. Somebody give me a hard shoe.

ESMERALDA: Don't look at me.

POCAHONTAS: What is...... "shoe"?

MULAN: Wow, you must have tons of closet space at your house. No bras, no panties, no shoes....

ESMERALDA: While you, on the other hand, need both His and Hers closets to store all your stuff.

MULAN: Hey! At least I live in a house, not a wagon.

MEG: Meanwhile, the ant is getting away. Look, Nature Girl, your little Zorro dog with the black mask has a shoe in his mouth. Get it from him, will ya?

POCAHONTAS: Meeko is a raccoon. And you should show more respect for the creatures of the earth.

MEG: Listen, Miss Tree Hugger, I need that shoe! Give it to me, Zorro Boy!

MEEKO: Yelp!

MEG: Got it! Take this, bug!

(Pocahontas tries to shield the ant from harm, but it's too late) WHACK! SPLAT! SMASH! SHATTER!

POCAHONTAS: You savage! Look where the path of hatred has brought you.

ESMERALDA: Just goes to show, bugs don't do well inside fiberglass stone walls.

MULAN: And look what happened to the shoe! It's in a million pieces. By the way, whose shoe was that?

CINDERELLA: Er, that would be mine.

MEG: I might've known.

CINDERELLA: I think we'd better get this meeting back on track. I've got a 12 o'clock appointment. The subject of our discussion will be "Female friendships as portrayed in film: from All About Eve to Thelma and Louise." Let's --

(Chirrup! Chirrup!)

CINDERELLA: There it goes again! What is that noise?

MULAN: I don't know what you're talking about.

MEG: Slipper Girl's right. I heard it, too. But it's stopped now.

CINDERELLA: Oh my, look at the time. I can't worry about it right now. Let's take attendance...... Esmeralda?

ESMERALDA: Over here, near the stained glass window.


MEG: Yeah, yeah, whatever.


MULAN: Reporting for duty, sir!

CINDERELLA: Pocahontas?

POCAHONTAS: What is "attendance" and why do you want to take it from us? Haven't you taken enough?

CINDERELLA: Princess Atta?



(DEAD silence)

MEG: Who the heck is Princess Atta?

MULAN: Never heard of her.

ESMERALDA: Me either.

POCAHONTAS: What is...."Atta"?

CINDERELLA: It must be some mistake. As far as I can tell, we have all the latest Disney heroines present and accounted for. Let's move on. Where did I put my briefs?

POCAHONTAS: What is ....."briefs"?

MEG: Don't start that again, Mother Earth!


CINDERELLA: Esmeralda, I think your goat ate my briefs!

ESMERALDA: Oh. Sorry. You really need to be more careful with your apparel, Cindy.

MULAN: Ha! She can't even dress herself. She has her Fairy Godmother to take care of that. Whereas I can slip into full military gear in a dark tent in thirty seconds flat.

ESMERALDA: That's funny. I can slip out of my clothes in a dark tent in thirty seconds flat.

CINDERELLA: Well! No wonder you have a kid even though you're not married, you harlot!

ESMERALDA: Look who's talking, Miss "I'm-just-gonna-ignore-my-curfew."

(Chirrup! Chirrup! CHIRRUP! CHIRRUP!)


MULAN: What was what? I think you're all imagining things.

ESMERALDA: You must be hard of hearing from shooting off all those cannons. Even I can hear that, and I'm half deaf from those bells. Something in here is definitely chirruping.

MULAN: Uhhhh....how about some tea? Cinderella, get us some tea!

CINDERELLA: I'm nobody's servant! I live in a castle now. Get your own tea.

MEG: Well, technically, Slipper Girl, this place is called Cinderella's Royal Table, so we did expect some kind of refreshments to be served.

ESMERALDA: Oh, she's just got PMS.

POCAHONTAS: What is......."PMS"?



MEG: Hey, it's coming from Soldier Girl! Just what kind of contraband are you hiding there?

MULAN: Ummmm...nothing, nothing. It's just my father's sword squeaking. Maybe you have some olive oil I could borrow? Heh.


POCAHONTAS: I recognize that sound now! It is a cricket. A creature of the forest. How delightful to fall asleep to the sweet sounds of --

ESMERALDA: Delightful?! That thing's more annoying than those dopey bells!

MEG: Speaking of annoying, Miss Ding Dong, those damn coins you've got hanging off your clothes are pretty irritating. Jingle, jangle, jingle, whenever you shake your little gypsy behind. Do the words "paper money" ring a bell?

ESMERALDA: Well, I guess it's easy to talk when you're working for the head of the Underworld mob, and you've got a rich athlete for a boyfriend. I've had to scrimp and save for every coin I've got.

CINDERELLA: If you want to talk about hard work, I used to -- Look! There goes the cricket!

MULAN: Come back, Cri-Kee!

POCAHONTAS: I'll save him!

ESMERALDA: Eat him, Djali!

MEG: No, I'll squish him. Gimme your other shoe, Slipper Girl!

CINDERELLA: I most certainly will not --


ESMERALDA: (alarmed whisper) Who's that? You tricked me, Cindy. I thought this place was a sanctuary.

CINDERELLA: Shhhhhhhhhhhh.................I'll go see.

(Cinderella returns a few moments later, pale and frightened)

CINDERELLA: Ladies, I'm afraid we have bigger problems than that cricket. There's a couple of lionesses at the door. They claim they're supposed to be part of the Round Table. They mentioned something about a king, and their pride.

MULAN: Lions?! Don't let them in. I've seen this act before. It's those damn Huns in disguise.

MEG: Yeah, this trick is as old as the hills. I've seen it pulled off with a horse.

ESMERALDA: They're gonna burn down the castle. Trust me on this one.

CINDERELLA: Oh dear, it's five to twelve. In a few minutes, I won't look presentable at all. I can't have guests at a time like this.

POCAHONTAS: What is....."lion"?

(Dramatic Pause)

MEG: (cough!) Well, um, as a matter of fact, Nature Girl, a lion is a creature of the earth. Yes indeed, a beautiful, friendly animal..........help me here, girls.

MULAN: Yes, it's not native to Virginia, so you probably have never seen one.

ESMERALDA: But you're just the gal to reason with them. Why don't you go out there and do your diplomacy thing, and find out what they want?

CINDERELLA: Um, yes, we'll wait right here while you discuss the situation with them, and then you come back and give us a full report.

POCAHONTAS: Yes. I shall speak with all the voices of the mountain, and they will understand. Come, Meeko.

CINDERELLA: That's right, dear. Run along now.

(Pocahontas leaves the room with Meeko.)

ESMERALDA: Quick! Out the stained glass window! Hope you girls can swim. Let's go, Djali. (splash!)

CINDERELLA: But how are we going to explain this to Mr. Eisner?

MULAN: What's to explain? They're predators, and she was wearing nothing but deerskin. It was an accident waiting to happen. Besides, she's had her direct-to-video sequel already. The rest of us haven't.

CINDERELLA: (GASP!) But....this - this - this.......drop!!

MULAN: Yeah, yeah, great wall. Now jump.

CINDERELLA: But the water in the moat will simply ruin this lovely ballgown and --

CLOCK: Bonggggg ....... bonggggg ..... bonggggg ..... bonggggg ..... bonggggg ..... bonggggg ..... bonggggg ..... bonggggg ..... bonggggg ..... bonggggg ..... bonggggg ..... bonggggg!

CINDERELLA: Oh dear........never mind. (splash!)

MULAN: Your turn, Moussaka Mouth. Jump!

MEG: Er, I have this little fear of heights. Nothing serious, you understand, but -- hey, what's that?! There's something in my dress! Holy Hera, it's crawling all over me! Aaaaaaaagh! (splash!)

(chirrup......chirrup.....glug glug....chirrup....glug glug)

MULAN: (sigh) Women! (splash!)
Last edited by Big Disney Fan on Sat Apr 14, 2007 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Prudence »

Big Disney Fan wrote: CINDERELLA: That's all right, dear, you're so flat-chested that nobody even suspected you were a girl.

MULAN: I beg your pardon! Just because I'm not a Barbie doll --

ESMERALDA: Hey! Enough already. We don't need to turn this into a battle over bra size.

POCAHONTAS: What is...... "bra"?

MEG: Trust me, Nature Girl, you're better off not knowing. Those puppies of yours give you power!

MULAN: Oh, please! I singlehandedly defeated the Huns and saved China, and I did it without flaunting my "charms" all over the screen.

MEG: Don't get your panties in a wad, Soldier Girl.

POCAHONTAS: What is..... "panties"?

CINDERELLA: Oh my. Perhaps we'd better change the subj -- Eeek! What is that crawling on the table?!

ESMERALDA: It's an ant. Gee whiz, Cindy, don't you ever clean this place? You've got little mice running around in shirts and dresses, and now bugs! Paris during the plague was cleaner than this joint.

MULAN: Bugs make nice pets.
This was the part I was referring to earlier! -laughs-
That's hot.
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Post by Big Disney Fan »

Prudence wrote:Yes!
Big Disney Fan wrote: CINDERELLA: That's all right, dear, you're so flat-chested that nobody even suspected you were a girl.

MULAN: I beg your pardon! Just because I'm not a Barbie doll --

ESMERALDA: Hey! Enough already. We don't need to turn this into a battle over bra size.

POCAHONTAS: What is...... "bra"?

MEG: Trust me, Nature Girl, you're better off not knowing. Those puppies of yours give you power!

MULAN: Oh, please! I singlehandedly defeated the Huns and saved China, and I did it without flaunting my "charms" all over the screen.

MEG: Don't get your panties in a wad, Soldier Girl.

POCAHONTAS: What is..... "panties"?

CINDERELLA: Oh my. Perhaps we'd better change the subj -- Eeek! What is that crawling on the table?!

ESMERALDA: It's an ant. Gee whiz, Cindy, don't you ever clean this place? You've got little mice running around in shirts and dresses, and now bugs! Paris during the plague was cleaner than this joint.

MULAN: Bugs make nice pets.
This was the part I was referring to earlier! -laughs-
Thanks. Glad I could be of some help.
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Post by Big Disney Fan »

I'm not sure if this counts, since it plays during the outtakes scene over the end credits of Toy Story 2, but...

MRS. POTATO HEAD: (to Mr. Potato Head) I'm packing you an extra pair of shoes and your angry eyes, just in case. And if you get hungry, here's some cheese puffs. And a key. I don't know what it's for, but you never know.
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Post by Gurgi30 »

Ratigan Stooge 1 (drunk): Ratigan is a rat.
Ratigan Stooge 2: I wouldn't say that very loudly.
Ratigan Stooge 1: What that he's a rat (yelling)

Ratigan: What did you call me? I'm not a ra... wait, I am a rat!
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What Disney Characters Would Never Say

Post by Disney Duster »

Who was Princess Atta supposed to be?
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Re: What Disney Characters Would Never Say

Post by Big Disney Fan »

Disney Duster wrote:Who was Princess Atta supposed to be?
She's one of the princess ants in A Bug's Life. The other was her little sister, Dot.
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