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Third Title in the Language Series Exposes Parents and Little Ones to Signs for First Words

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BURBANK, Calif. (December 11, 2006) – Little ones are eager to express themselves at every developmental stage, and whether they are trying to say their first word or are speaking in phrases, sign language can be one of several different ways children and caregivers can communicate.
My First Signs, the third language title from The Baby Einstein Company featuring Academy Award® winning actress Marlee Matlin¹ playfully introduces many of babies’ first words and the corresponding signs by using puppet shows, real-world images and classical music. Available nationwide on March 13, My First Signs rounds out a language collection created to expose little ones to the idea that communication can take on many different forms, including written, verbal and nonverbal.

The Baby Einstein language series, which features special guest star Marlee Matlin, introduced parents and babies to words around the house with its first title, Baby Wordsworth™, then explored the neighborhood with Baby’s Favorite Places. In My First Signs, families can speak and sign 20 common first words from a baby’s early vocabulary, such as mommy, blanket, thank you and I love you, focusing on four different times of day: family time, meal time, play time and bed time. Throughout the title, little ones are exposed to various representations of each new word being introduced – first the written word is shown, followed by Marlee signing the word, then the word is said out loud for children to hear. Collections of beautiful real-world images, artistic masterpieces, parents and little ones signing new words together, and puppet shows reinforce each new word. From squeezing their fist together to sign “milk,” to tapping an open hand to their forehead to sign “daddy,” My First Signs encourages parents and children to join in the fun and practice signing and saying new words on their own.

“As a parent, I understand how exciting and rewarding it is to be able to communicate with your little one – whether verbal or nonverbal. It was a pleasure to be involved in the first two Baby Einstein language titles in which children were exposed to multiple ways to express themselves, including through sign language,” said Marlee Matlin. “I think My First Signs is the perfect complement to the collection because it explores babies’ first words and offers parents and little ones an opportunity to communicate with each other before a child’s verbal skills have developed. I believe My First Signs also gives parents and babies a chance to discover new and different ways to interact with each other, as they focus on words and phrases that are commonly used throughout a baby’s day.”

In addition to being featured throughout the video, Marlee Matlin also hosts several My First Signs bonus features in which she introduces more first words and signs, such as hello, stop, again, sorry and many more. Opposites like hot and cold and day and night are also included in the bonus section. As with every Baby Einstein DVD, My First Signs features multi-language viewing options including English, Spanish and French.

My First Signs is the 23rd DVD title from The Baby Einstein Company, the award-winning creator of the infant developmental media category and best-selling brand of videos for infants and toddlers, from birth. Available at major retailers and online, the suggested retail price is $19.99 for DVD. Age six months and up.

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Read UD's Baby Einstein: My First Signs DVD Review

About The Baby Einstein Company
The Baby Einstein Company, LLC, is the award-winning creator of the infant developmental media category. The company is famous for its best-selling Baby Einstein™ brand of videos, books, music CDs and toys specifically designed for babies and toddlers, from birth. Little Einsteins™, which debuted in 2005, is the company’s newest venture, specifically created for the preschool market. Headquartered in Glendale, CA, The Baby Einstein Company is a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. For more information, visit www.babyeinstein.com or www.littleeinsteins.com.

© 2006 The Baby Einstein Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Baby Einstein, Baby Wordsworth, Little Einsteins and the Boy’s Head Logo are trademarks of The Baby Einstein Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved. EINSTEIN and ALBERT EINSTEIN are trademarks of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. All Rights Reserved. www.albert-einstein.org.

¹ 1986: Best Actress, Children Of A Lesser God

Announcements for Other Upcoming Disney and Buena Vista DVDs:
Cinderella III: A Twist in Time (February 6)
Peter Pan: Platinum Edition (March 6)
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey's Great Clubhouse Hunt (March 20)
Walt Disney's Legacy Collection - Disneyland: Secrets, Stories & Magic (To Be Announced)

UltimateDisney.com's Reviews of Other Baby Einstein DVDs:
Baby Einstein: Baby's Favorite Places - First Words - Around Town (2006) (#22)
Baby Einstein: Baby's Favorite Places - First Words - Around Town (2006) (#21)
Baby Einstein: Meet the Orchestra - First Instruments (2006) (#20)
Baby Einstein: On the Go - Riding, Sailing and Soaring (2005) (#19)
Baby Wordsworth: First Words - Around the House (2005) (#18)
Baby Monet: Discovering the Seasons (2005) (#17)
Little Einsteins: Our Big Huge Adventure
Little Einsteins: Team Up for Adventure
Little Einsteins: Mission Celebration!

UltimateDisney.com's Reviews of Baby Einstein CDs:
Baby Einstein: Playdate Fun (Fall 2006)
Baby Einstein: Meet the Orchestra (Spring 2006)
Baby Einstein: Lullabies and Sweet Dreams (Fall 2005)
Little Einsteins: Musical Missions (Spring 2006)

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Posted January 19, 2007 / Updated March 7, 2007.